Writing Samples
My writing has appeared in online magazines, exhibition catalogues, scholarly journals, and thematic anthologies. If you're interested in reading a publication of mine that is on my cv but is not available here, please contact me and I'll do my best to get you a copy.
cover of art in print, volume 7, number 6, march-april 2018
Review of Glenn Brown, Half-Life (After Rembrandt), 2016, and Swoon, Sonja, 2017, in Art in Print (March-April 2018)
SHEPard fairey, we the people-- greater than fear, (detail), 2017.
"Prints in a Time of Political Madness," Art in Print (September-October 2017)
Cover for den vilde, vovede og sene willumsen
“The Muse, the Sailor, the Harlequin, and the Leader: Willumsen’s Portraits of Michelle Bourret” in exhibition catalogue for Den vilde, vovede og sene Willumsen, ARoS Aarhus Art Museum, Aarhus, Denmark, 2016
Edgar degas, Edmondo and Thérèse Morbilli, (Detail), ca. 1865.
“Degas’s Lesser-Known Portraits and Photographs Reveal the Artist’s Intimate Relationships” on Artsy.net, published March 28, 2016.
gustave moreau, The Apparition, (detail), 1874-1876.
“How Women of the 19th Century Were Cast as Dangerous Vampires and Femmes Fatales” on Artsy.net, published February 10, 2016.
cover image of blacks and blackness in european art of the long nineteenth century (Detail)
“Staging Ethnicity: Edvard Munch’s Images of Sultan Abdul Karim,” in Blacks and Blackness in European Art of the Long Nineteenth Century, edited by Adrienne Childs and Susan Libby, London: Ashgate. [plates]
cover image of Manual, issue 3.
“Object Lesson: Otherness on Display in Max Beckmann’s Annual Fair” in Manual: a journal about art and its making, Issue 3
cover image of kunst og kultur, 02/2009 (detail)
“Sexology and Sapphism: Edvard Munch’s Double Nudes” in Kunst og Kultur. nr. 2/2009 (May 2009).